1. Contact for a free estimate!
Feel free to call, text, email, or use this site's contact form to ask any questions or set up a time for SC to come take a look at your project (usually within the same week). SC primarily services the cities of Colorado Springs and Monument.
You will receive your estimate over email 1-3 days after the initial visit. Everything will be itemized for full disclosure and transparency, and will include the entire cost for the job, with no hidden or recurring fees. If you pursue another direction, there's no need to reply back, the estimate will expire after one month by itself. 
2. Figuring out the schedule

After accepting the estimate, we'll need to put you on the calendar! I will let you know my next available free week, which is usually 2-3 months out from confirmation. Most jobs will take place inside of a week, although the bigger ones can take up to 3-4 weeks (curved railing in particular). 
When the work has been scheduled, I will revisit to confirm all of the part choices in the estimate, answer any remaining questions, get a signature on the invoice and pick up the deposit. 
3. The Installation
On the day of installation, the installer will arrive with tools and stair parts, prefinished. All furniture should be moved away from hazardous areas, and there should be space made either inside the home or the garage to keep long railing sections and other stair parts and large tools. For the duration of the installation, there will be missing railing; all homeowners, pets and children must exercise caution when near the wall edge.
After the installation is complete, please look over everything to make sure you love it! The final invoice payment is due at this time, and payments are primarily made by check, with cash being an alternate option. SC does not take cards, sorry!
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